Oil Painting
      Oil PaintingOil PaintingOil PaintingOil PaintingOil PaintingOil Painting

Oil Painting

$ 42.75
Item id: 7295
Availability: in stock

Oil Painting

Own an Original Liz Francis - LIZ FRANCIS is an award winning South West artist who was born in England. She has also lived in Western Australia, Queensland and New Zealand. She is a colourist at heart who likes to portray the energy and life-force of the land, as well as its beauty and ruggedness.

Liz’s work is mostly mixed media and collage comprising collaged calico strips and hand-made paper, as well as pieces of metal, feathers, gemstones, shells, etc. collected from the land, to add shape and texture as well as depth to the work.

Liz Francis likes to try new methods and materials experimenting and extending herself that little bit further, challenging and drawing out her inner creativity as she becomes one with the surrounding environment.

Liz has had nine solo exhibitions and has taken part in numerous group exhibitions. Oil PaintingOil PaintingOil PaintingOil PaintingOil PaintingOil Painting
Arts & Crafts
Handmade Paintings